“Giving up smoking is easy…I’ve done it hundreds of times.” ~Mark Twain
It’s true. For a majority of my career as a hypnotist, while I was helping people quit smoking, I also smoked. I know that makes me seem like a hypocrite and I would agree.
I started smoking a few years before I started my career in hypnosis. Smoking made be feel independent and rebellious. I also knew no good would come of smoking but, like every smoker, I suppressed that thought with a double dose of justification and denial. Also like many smokers, I quit smoking many times. What I want to share with you is what got me over the hump and made stay a non-smoker.
The turning point came for me when I realized that, while I liked smoking, and sometimes really wanted/craved a cigarette, I liked being a non-smoker even more. The change happened when I made smoking about my self image and self-esteem.
Many of us use a habit like smoking to distract us from something deeper, to keep us from facing a problem that might be easier to ignore. I thought I had a healthy self-esteem but I surrounded myself with un-supportive people and isolated myself from people who really cared about me. I was figuratively alone and used smoking to prop myself up and “be a man”. Even now it sounds kind of pitiable.
Deciding to be a non-smoker and give up smoking was the most positive rebellion I could have designed against a half-lived life. When I quit smoking a lot of things changed. I began to treat myself with more respect and care. The most difficult part was ending the relationships that didn’t support my emotional well being.
As a result of all that I’m more dedicated than ever to helping people become non-smokers. Long term smokers are now the people I seek out the most to help. I want them to have the same change I did.
For some people, that simple message is enough to make them reconsider smoking. For others it can be a lot harder, I know! That is why I love helping people quit smoking and it’s why I developed my Quit Smoking CD and Download.
With the Quit Smoking CD and Download you don’t have to make an appointment with me or anyone. You just have to decide you’re ready to quit smoking.
With the Quit Smoking CD and Download you don’t have to pay $400 for my stop smoking program. It’s only $49.95, the cost of 5 to 8 packs of cigarettes.
With the Quit Smoking CD and Download you don’t have to schedule an appointment with a hypnotist. You follow the instructions and decide for yourself when you’re ready to quit.
With the Quit Smoking CD and Download you don’t have to worry. If you decide you want to work one-on-one with me instead, I’ll give you a $100 discount on my hypnosis program.

David Barron, New Hampshire Hypnosis