We are surrounded and bombarded with advertisements that feature super skinny models. For instance, have you ever opened a magazine without seeing a very thin woman? Or turned on the television only to see dozens of infomercials selling the latest weight loss product? We are constantly being told by the media that the “perfect” body has no shape or curves, and we feel guilty for not being “perfect”. Stop that inner conflict and start being happy!


Do you eat out of sheer boredom, because of stress or loneliness? The vast majority of overweight people are emotional eaters and most of them don’t even recognize this downward cycle. Your mind is the most powerful organ in your body and putting your mind to work in order to achieve your weight-loss goals can be highly effective. With the use of weight-loss hypnosis, you can look and feel your best!


Everyone has tried to diet at some point in their life. But diets are a short-term fix that usually does not have lifelong benefits. As soon as the diet has stopped, most people gain back the weight they’ve lost and sometimes even extra pounds. Being overweight is not the problem; it is the reasons that cause the person to overeat that is the problem. That is why diets simply do not work!Weight-loss hypnosis will help you get to the bottom of your problem. With the help of your consulting hypnotist, we will help you build your self-esteem and confidence in order to achieve your weight-loss goals. Our empowering team of hypnotists will help you lose the extra weight and keep it off for good!

* Results may vary from person to person.

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    New Hampshire Hypnosis
    3 Executive Park Dr, Bedford, NH 03110