Dental anxiety is probably more common than you might imagine. Several months ago I worked with a client who was dreadfully fearful of going to the dentist. She had some serious dental work coming up and asked if I could help. We did three sessions and she reported she felt more at ease with dental work but the appointments were still pending.

It seems something amazing happened!

I just got this from her in my email:

Hi David – a little update-on my dental fears…

I am happy to report that I had a second dentist appt yesterday to fix up two more teeth, which ended up taking over 2 hours to accomplish. BUT, the great thing is- zero anxiety or panic about anything. I love this dentist- he is keeps me informed , is reassuring and checks in often to see how I am doing. Granted these repairs were on teeth which had had root canals- so limited pain but, I was able to tolerate the drilling ( a lot of it!) etc. Even the cost as it was for a crown, ended up not bothering me because I had planned for it- AND the work went well so it was $200 for my share vs $500, in the end.

So thank you and I am really excited to be able to “adult” a bit better at these appointments now.

Happy Thanksgiving!
