quitting smoking is easy with hypnosis

100% SAFE



“It is my goal to help everyone who wants to quit smoking become a non-smoker.”

~David Barron 20+ year professional hypnotist

Enter your Information and Get a free PDF to help you begin the journey as a non-smoking.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Phone Number (required)

    How long have you smoked?

    less than 5 years5 to 10 years10 to 20 yearsmore than 20 years

    Have you attempted to quit in the past?


    Additional Information or Questions

    *Results may vary from person to person.

    (603) 589-8033

    WHY TRY HYPNOSIS? Most smokers know that smoking is a dangerous habit but did you know:

     Tobacco kills nearly 6 million people each year.

     More than 600,000 deaths are because non-smokers are exposed to second-hand smoke.

     Tobacco caused 100 million deaths in the 20th century.

     Tobacco may cause one billion deaths in the 21st century.

     Tobacco users dying prematurely deprive their families of income and hinder economic development.

     There are more than 4000 chemicals in tobacco smoke – 250 are harmful and 50 or more are known to cause cancer. Source: WHO (World Health Organization)

    HYPNOSIS WORKS FOR QUITTING SMOKING! Yes! Hypnotherapy helps in quitting smoking!

    The reason why hypnotherapy is considered a perfect solution is because most smokers:

     Are unable to quit even after making New Year resolutions.

     Have developed a deep rooted addiction.

     Who use smoking patches or pills go back to smoking after a few years.

     The important point is that Hypnotherapy offers a long-term solution – it guarantees that you may never smoke again!

    The biggest reason to quit is: SMOKING KILLS!

    It has been medically proven that smoking causes LUNG CANCER and eventually leads to death. It also poses high health risk and is known to cause:

    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

     Coronary heart disease

     Damages blood vessels

     Heart attack

     Chronic Bronchitis


     Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS or crib death)

    Birth defects and miscarriage

     Increased risk for cataracts

     Emphysema AND…

     Cancer of different organs

    Source: CDC (Center for Disease Control & Prevention)

    It doesn’t matter how much you have smoked AND It doesn’t matter how long you have been smoking… What Really matters is that YOU CAN QUIT SMOKING without irritability, anxiety, weight gain or future cravings.


    David Barron, Certified Hypnotherapist, has been practicing hypnosis since 1998. He holds numerous certifications in Advanced Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), many other advanced modalities and techniques. He continues to stay informed on the latest and most effective tools to help his clients make powerful and lasting change as quickly and effectively as possible. Through his methods, countless people have made lasting positive changes. David’ reputation for being a skilled

    hypnotist as well as his passion for helping people allows his clients to easily put their full confidence in him and get the results they want. You have a simple choice. I will help you one-on-one or you can ask for more information in the email form at the bottom of the page.


    Work One On One With Me If you want to work with me one-on-one you’ll be committing to three hypnosis session. The first session, you will become a non-smoker and get the needed reinforcement you’ll need in the two following sessions. If at anytime you need help all you have to do is call me and I will work with you again at no cost. That is my promise to you.

    Call To Get Your FREE 10 Minute Consultation

    (603) 589-8033

    If you are one of those rare smokers who say “I can quit smoking whenever I want” then, please, make that decision. You’re smart enough to know the reasons to quit. You’re smart enough to visit this website. No matter your reasons for smoking you know it will hurt you in the long run. Now is a great time to quit. If I could make that decision for you to become a non-smoker I would make it, but I can’t. Only you can decide now is the right time to quit smoking.

    If you need my help to stop smoking, you’ve got it. If you truly need my help I will work with you one-on-one. I’m a phone call away.

    Call To Get Your FREE 10 Minute Consultation

    (603) 589-8033

      Your Name (required)

      Your Email (required)

      Your Phone Number (required)

      How long have you smoked?

      less than 5 years5 to 10 years10 to 20 yearsmore than 20 years

      Have you attempted to quit in the past?


      Additional Information or Questions

      *Results may vary from person to person.
